Family Law

Family Law

Sorting Out Your Family Matters Legally

Our mission is to guide you through your unique circumstances, helping you achieve solutions that prioritize both your personal needs and those of your family.”
If you’re a mum, dad, grandparent, or any family member facing a disagreement or conflict involving the children in your family, we invite you to come and have a conversation with us. We understand that disputes over the care and well-being of children can be emotional and challenging, and we’re here to listen and provide support.
With extensive experience across a broad range of family law matters, our expertise stands unmatched. We provide specialised family law services built on trust, compassion, and the highest level of respect. Our specialist team not only has deep knowledge in family, divorce, and de facto relationship law but also excels in handling complex issues such as children’s matters, intricate property settlements, and international family law.

Our experienced team is ready to help you navigate these difficult situations with care and understanding, offering practical advice and solutions that are in the best interest of both you and the children involved. Let’s sit down and work through it together.
Our comprehensive family law services include:

family law

Notary, Legalisation

Notary, Legalisation

Great fee and fastest approach for all types of notary services.
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Equine Law

Equine Law

We provide legal advice in relation to equine law & equestrian sports.
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Commercial Consulting & Advisory

Commercial Consulting & Advisory

We are equipped with high quality commercial and advisory capabilities.
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Aviation Law

Aviation Law

Helping you with legal matters regarding aviation sector and Aviation Law.
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Import & Export Controls Advice

Import & Export Controls Advice

Mastering the areas of import/export control and compliance.
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Airplane Crash Claims

Airplane Crash Claims

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Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Victims of car accidents need skilled negotiators & trial lawyers and we are here to help.
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Offshore Company Registration

Offshore Company Registration

Let us help you reduce any legal risk regarding off-shore company registration.
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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)