Equine Law

Equine Law

We Provide Legal Advice Concerning Equine Law & Equestrian Sports

Are you a horse lover, professional/recreational rider or in horse betting or racing business? We are here to help you as your legal partner for Equestrian Lawyers. We can protect the interest of our clients and minimise risk through appropriate contractual arrangements and dispute resolution processes, including but not limited to:

Hire Experienced Equestrian Lawyers

Horse riding can be a high-risk and costly endeavour. As animals are naturally unpredictable, horse owners must ensure that appropriate precautions are made if something goes wrong—and that’s what we are here for! We have experienced equestrian lawyers who specialise in resolving private and personal legal matters.

Resolving Any Dispute or Matter – Get on board Equine Law Firm.

When purchasing and selling horses, disputes might emerge since a huge amount of money is at stake. We can represent you in cases involving misrepresentation or breach of contract. It is critical to seek legal advice before signing a contract to ensure that the sale is legally binding you to a satisfactory transaction.
• We provide legal advice in relation to equine law and equestrian sports. You need legal advice whether you are a horse lover, professional, recreational rider or are in the business of horse betting or racing.We can protect the interest of our clients and minimise risk through appropriate contractual arrangements and dispute resolution processes, including but not limited to:
â—‹ sponsorship agreements relating to teams, clubs, players and business sponsors
â—‹ agreements for the sale, purchase, horse training, horse transportation, and horse leasing
â—‹ dispute resolution related to contractual disputes concerning horses, appeals (FEI), racing appeal tribunals, Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) and World Anti-Doping Code matters
â—‹ agreements for horse hiring and livery arrangements
â—‹ insurance, insurance claims and personal injury in relation to horse riding and other accidents
â—‹ consignment and agency agreements
â—‹ intellectual property protection and registration related to sponsorships and gaming clubs
â—‹ agreement related to leasing and purchase of stallion, studs, mare brooders and horse breeding
â—‹ veterinary disputes and veterinary medical negligence claims
â—‹ disputes regarding professional services
â—‹ advice related to import/export of banned substances, and related hearings and appeals
â—‹ teaming, co-sharing and syndicate agreements
â—‹ conveyancing related to the sale and purchase of equestrian properties and equestrian business sales and purchases.

Notary, Legalisation

Notary, Legalisation

Great fee and fastest approach for all types of notary services.
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Equine Law

Equine Law

We provide legal advice in relation to equine law & equestrian sports.
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Commercial Consulting & Advisory

Commercial Consulting & Advisory

We are equipped with high quality commercial and advisory capabilities.
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Aviation Law

Aviation Law

Helping you with legal matters regarding aviation sector and Aviation Law.
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Import & Export Controls Advice

Import & Export Controls Advice

Mastering the areas of import/export control and compliance.
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Airplane Crash Claims

Airplane Crash Claims

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Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Victims of car accidents need skilled negotiators & trial lawyers and we are here to help.
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Corporate And Commercial Law

Corporate And Commercial Law

We have great expertise in dealing with company law and corporate contracts.
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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)